In this section you can find the XSD resources needed in order to carry out an integration with the ETNetwork MARcet platform.

Digital receipt format

The complete digital receipt format based on the ARTS standard is attached below. Only mandatory and matching fields are to be used when integrating to the platform. Schema: DigitalReceiptV2.0.0.xsd

Digital receipt format extension

In order to support different supplier businesses, specific POS systems as well as legal requirements that differ (for example taxi), ETNetwork provides a DigitalReceiptExtension (see resource/xsd) to the ARTS digital receipt format. Schema: DigitalReceiptExtensionV1.0.xsd


The DigID enables the option of manual retrieval. Schema: DigIDV1.0.xsd

XML digital signature

ETNetwork use XMLDSig standard to ensure our partners and customers that no data is tampered with. All communication to and from MARcet is SSL encrypted and all requests require authentication provided by ETNetwork. Schema: xmldsig-core-schema.xsd

Delivery note

The delivery note document. Schema: DeliveryNotev1.0.xsd